Saturday, May 25, 2013

God's "Interruptions"

Well it certainly has been a bit of time since I posted.

All is well.


God "interrupted" my schedule and life has been turned upside down!

and my interruption has a name...


This dear, medically fragile infant...

born at 1 lb 3 oz...

so many specialists...

many, many, diagnoses....

yet I truly believe she was set apart for us to care for.
to pray for...
to advocate for...

I had shared before how God was preparing me for some greater challenges.

I had no idea what He had in mind.

This whole process has given me insight into letting God interrupt our lives.

So many times we are so organized and scheduled...

We have our clubs and appointments...
ministries and services...

day in, day out
scheduled full of activities with no eternal value.

Yes, our children need opportunities to be socialized,
we need time out with Godly friends to encourage our hearts,
errands need to be run, and bills need to be paid...


Do we have a heart attitude to allow God to interrupt us?

Do we give Him the opportunity to have a divine appointment with the Holy One?

He is opening my eyes that having a schedule is not the same
as the schedule having us.

So we are again in a place of surrender.
Letting our compassionate God unfold another series of precious miracles
right before our eyes.

We fully believe in His healing power...
His restoration power...
His infinite love for these precious children...
and His call to all of His own to care and do their part.

So through this time of stretching and growing
we are allowing Him yet again to "interrupt" us.

Our time is Yours, Lord!
Use us - in any way You want.

Because we are learning once again that His interruptions
are usually the best kind of all!

***please join us in prayer for this precious, fragile, one as we ask
our Heavenly Father to touch and restore her body***

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