Friday, April 27, 2012

Being a Blessing - Standing in the Gap

Time with Jacob and Michael seems to be flying by~ only a few short weeks more and the possibility of letting them go comes up.  My heart is sad at the thought of loosing them and missing them dearly, but at the same time, I am amazed and humbled at the thought that we were given the privilege of standing in the gap for them while their family was restored... their marriage repaired and the family reunited!

At the same time, we have been so thrilled at giving the children not only a safe and loving home to stay in, but many fun firsts!

First time in a bouncy place!

First time on a farm!

First time experiencing church classes and dramas!

Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of serving Your children!  Please continue to give us grace and strength to complete your call.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Running the Race

As we all continue to try and settle into the new life that God has asked of us, there is a new voice (well old voice!) who is calling out.  We are called to run the race!  This calling is not a sprint.  It is a long-suffering, highly "inconvenienced" road that we must run without ever knowing what or when the race will end.  We are called to run it.  Not control it, but humbly submit ourselves to His call and continue to depend on Him on the good days and the bad.

Take our sacrifice, Lord!  We love to be used by you to send your love into the world.  Prepare us for the race and the struggles that are ahead.  Let us lean on you at every twist and turn.  This is Your calling Lord, and You will provide all that we need to sustain through the journey!